Vision: Exporting African Finest Agricultural products in Quality, Quantity and integrity.

About Us

Global Eastlanders Limited is a Nigerian commodity company duly registered with the Nigerian Corporate Affairs Commission RC1178802 in March 2024 with Anthony Eferhirhie Abugu as the Director. Legal address registered in Lagos - D1-061, HFP Eastline Complex, Ajah, Lagos Nigeria.

The company is also an active member of the Nigerian Export Promotion Council of Nigeria whose aim is to build and sustain the export of Nigeria agricultural exports to the world while at the same time meeting both domestic and foreign quality standards.

Vision: Exporting African Finest Agricultural products in Quality, Quantity and integrity.

From 2015 to 2019, the company has been fully engaged in the export of Nigeria finest coal to Qatar, China, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and UAE.

The company currently exports crude and process agricultural products such as Kola Nuts (Red and White) - Cola acuminate, Bitter Kola - Garcinia Kola, Sesame seeds - Sesamum indicum, Shea Butter (Crude) - Vitellaria paradoxa, Soursop - Fruits and Leaves - Annona muricata, Cocoa Beans - Theobroma cacao, Cocoa Powder - Theobroma cacao, Cashew Nuts - Anacardium occidentale, Ginger - Zingiber officinale and Garlic - Allium sativum

Gelagros Export

Quality Assurance

GEL Agro produces are one of the finest quality that meets European export standards and same time defines one of the best quality control process, starting from the farms to storage, processing and packaging for exports. We also assured our customers that all our agricultural products have a well process specifications from Nigeria quality laboratory and samples can be send to customers on request to determine this same quality or more.

While time and seasons may play important roles in the  agricultural products from the farm, our processing techniques ensures sustaining natural quality in the products. No artificial or induction of chemicals in ensuring the quality of these products. All our agricultural products are of the natural best quality for export.

Availability Assurance

The Nigerian agricultural market is one of the biggest market in Africa and this attest to the fact of quality agricultural products from our farms land in their various quantities from the Northern part of Nigeria to the West and South. While we assure quality to all our customers, we also guarantee the voluminous availability of these agricultural products in Kilograms(kg) and metric tons (Mt)

Packaging Assurance

GEL Agro teams ensures standard packaging and packing for all our agricultural products for exports. At the same time, we might customize the packaging to meet the needs and demands of our esteemed customers but then all our packaging and packing techniques (STANDARD AND CUSTOMIZED) are of quality packing standards with quality packing materials